Permanent Makeup Before & Aftercare
Before all procedures
This treatment cannot be done whilst pregnant or when breastfeeding, having diebetes, coldsore, herpes or high blood pressure
Please do not drink any caffeinated drinks or take aspirin/medicine within 24 hours before your procedure
Botox should be performed 3 weeks prior to or 3 weeks after the procedure
Do not work out the day of the procedure as the body heats up and your pores expand
Stay away from the sun, no sunbathing or spray tanning for 30 days before the procedure
If you have large pores or oily/very oily skin, your results will appear softer/solid or powdered looking. Microblading is not recommended for people with oily skin
If you have high blood pressure, low blood pressure or any heart conditions you have to seek advice from your doctor before we can carry out the procedure safely
Taking good care of your permanent makeup is crucial to achieving the best result
After Care Instructions for Lips contour
For the 10 days following the tattoo procedure, wash the site gently and apply Vitamin A&D Ointment (provided in your aftercare kit) multiple times per day:
Wash the site gently with warm water or liquid nuatral soap and water using your hands only
Blot the area dry. Do not rub
Massage ointment in gently for 15 seconds
After initial healing (7-10 days) use lip gloss with sunblock over the tattooed area to preserve colour. The continued use of at least SPF 30 sunblock with UVA and UVB protection will help to prevent fading
Schedule and go to your complimentary touch-up appointment, which should be scheduled to occur between 6 and 8 weeks after the initial procedure. The touch-up procedure ensures good colour saturation and provides an opportunity to fine-tune the final shape and colour
Do not Smoke right after the procedure, no smoking recommended until your lips healed
If you are prone to cold sores, lip tattooing can cause outbreaks. If this occurs the following actions may help:
Read more about cold sores here
Contact your doctor and get an anti-viral medication
Use L-lysine natural amino acid
Use Abreva cream
Do not pick at the tattoo site at any time during healing
Do not let the area dry out completely, since this can cause scabbing and cracking of skin surface
Do not scrub, scratch or pick tattooed areas or you will lose colour that may not be repairable.
Do not expose the tattooed area to sun or tanning beds without using sunblock. This can cause premature fading.
Be careful to avoid infection of the tattooed area for 15 days after the procedure:
Always wash your hands before touching the tattooed areas
Do not share your aftercare product with anyone
No facials or masks for 15 days, and avoid them in the permanent makeup area indefinitely.
No swimming pools, Jacuzzis or other bodies of water for 15 days.
Do not soak your face underwater in a bathtub or allow the shower to spray directly in your face for 15 days.
Laser procedures done within 3 inches of permanent makeup can cause fading
Face peels, even mild ones, may cause permanent makeup to lighten.
Microdermabrasion in the permanent makeup area can fade permanent makeup.
Any removal of dead cells on permanent makeup area can cause premature fading.
No exercising for 24 hours, avoid direct contact with animals and no gardening for a week.
No Neosporin, Vaseline or other petroleum products while the site is healing. (Vitamin A&D ointment is provided in your aftercare kit)
No anti-acne products (e.g. Benzoyl Peroxide, Pro-active) or lightening creams (bleach creams) hydroquinone around any permanent makeup site, since they will cause rapid fading.
No anti-ageing products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids. These will fade permanent makeup since creams do not have assigned seating and travel in the skin.
No Neosporin, Vaseline or other petroleum products while the site is healing. (Vitamin A&D ointment is provided in your aftercare kit)
No anti-acne products (e.g. Benzoyl Peroxide, Pro-active) or lightening creams (bleach creams) hydroquinone around any permanent makeup site, since they will cause rapid fading.
No anti-ageing products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids. These will fade permanent makeup since creams do not have assigned seating and travel in the skin.
What to Expect
There may be moderate swelling for a first 24 hours ( not applicable for everyone, some clients dont experience awelling at all)
During the initial healing period, there should be minimal scabbing or flaking of the skin. If there is some scabbing or flaking, do not pick, and allow the scab or dry skin to come off on its own
Expect the colour to eventually lighten by up to 40% once the healing process is complete
Permanent Lip Color is in the skin rather than on top of it like lipstick, so it will have a matte finish unless you apply lip gloss or lipstick on top of the permanent makeup
Color may appear sketchy at different stages of healing. Be patient. This is a process that does not yield immediate results
Permanent makeup pigment is not the same as body art ink, and by design, it does not last as long as body art ink. Permanent Makeup does fade and is expected to last 2 to 5 years before requiring a touch-up.
If you develop excessive redness, itchiness, or white pimple-like spots in the tattooed area, you may be having a reaction to your lip balms or other petroleum. If this occurs, wash the area, and stop using it or any other product on the area. Allow the reaction to settle down, which it should do in 24-72 hours.
The tattoo site cannot be tattooed again within 28 days or scarring can result. If you see changes that you would like to make to shape or colour, they will need to wait until after this 28 day period.
During the initial healing period, there should be minimal scabbing or flaking of the skin. If there is some scabbing or flaking, do not pick, and allow the scab or dry skin to come off on its own
Expect the colour to eventually lighten by up to 40% once the healing process is complete
Permanent Lip Color is in the skin rather than on top of it like lipstick, so it will have a matte finish unless you apply lip gloss or lipstick on top of the permanent makeup
Color may appear sketchy at different stages of healing. Be patient. This is a process that does not yield immediate results
Permanent makeup pigment is not the same as body art ink, and by design, it does not last as long as body art ink. Permanent Makeup does fade and is expected to last 2 to 5 years before requiring a touch-up.
If you develop excessive redness, itchiness, or white pimple-like spots in the tattooed area, you may be having a reaction to your lip balms or other petroleum. If this occurs, wash the area, and stop using it or any other product on the area. Allow the reaction to settle down, which it should do in 24-72 hours.
The tattoo site cannot be tattooed again within 28 days or scarring can result. If you see changes that you would like to make to shape or colour, they will need to wait until after this 28 day period.
Touch up procedure is recommended to be done 4-8 weeks after the initial procedure, to perfect your colour and any area that may fade inevenly
Want to refresh your colour? Get a touch-up for just $499 if scheduled within 2 years after the initial, paid procedure
Touch-ups scheduled more than 2 years after the initial, paid procedure are $699
There are no implied or written guarantees if you don’t take care of your Permanent Makeup.
Want to refresh your colour? Get a touch-up for just $499 if scheduled within 2 years after the initial, paid procedure
Touch-ups scheduled more than 2 years after the initial, paid procedure are $699
There are no implied or written guarantees if you don’t take care of your Permanent Makeup.